Continuously provides a water recovery rate of over 90%, offering higher system reliability, faster delivery speed, more professional services, and technical support.
Reverse osmosis equipment is a technologically mature pure water treatment technology.
It enhances the purity of water by removing impurities and salts through reverse osmosis elements;
The water quality produced by reverse osmosis equipment is stable and can meet the water requirements of various industries.
Reverse osmosis equipment processes raw water through fine filters, granular activated carbon filters, and compressed activated carbon filters, then pressurizes it using a pump. Utilizing a reverse osmosis membrane with a pore size of 1/10000μm, it converts high-concentration water into low-concentration water, while isolating industrial pollutants, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, and other impurities that are extensively mixed in water. This meets the water quality requirements needed for industrial production. Since the purity of water produced by RO technology is the highest among all water production technologies currently available to humans, with a cleanliness that is almost 100%, this type of water production machine is referred to as reverse osmosis equipment.
*Different process flows are selected to fully ensure water standards and meet actual production needs.
Changhai Environmental Protection has extensive experience in the design and manufacturing of Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, which are used for desalination of seawater and many other water purification processes.
RO utilizes cross-flow membrane separation technology to remove large molecules and dissolved substances from solvents (usually water). The substances retained in the separation effluent can be organic or inorganic and typically have dimensions of several angstroms. Separation depends on molecular weight, geometry, load, and other factors.
Some applications of RO include:
There are various types of reverse osmosis membranes on the market, including high retention, low pressure, anti-fouling, and heat-sterilizable membranes. Choosing the correct type and quantity of membrane for a project depends on the quality of the feed water and the desired quality of the product water (permeate).
Due to variations in water quality, it is often necessary to condition the feed water to maximize the life of the membrane and to avoid fouling, scaling, or degradation.
Continuously provides a water recovery rate of over 90%, offering higher system reliability, faster delivery speed, more professional services, and technical support.
Considers from both economic and technical perspectives for customers, reducing process steps by up to 30%, and significantly increasing pure water production.
Core membrane elements use imported (DOW/SUEZ/HYDRANAUTICS) reverse osmosis membrane elements, ensuring high salt rejection rate, quality assurance, and reducing operating costs.
Committed to fulfilling after-sales service promises, whether it is solutions, equipment installation, remote diagnostics, equipment spare parts, or equipment maintenance, support will be provided around customer needs.
Electronics and Semiconductor Industry
Semiconductor-grade ultra-pure water for semiconductor chips, packaging, integrated circuits, LCD panels, conductive glass, cathode ray tubes, and PCB industries.
Deionized water for electroplating processes, and pure water for surface coating and cleaning.
Pure water for lithium battery production, monocrystalline silicon, semiconductor wafer cutting and manufacturing, glass edge grinding, cleaning, and coating processes.
Food-grade purified water for beverage, beer, dairy food processing, and beverage production.
Process water for chemical reaction cooling, chemical reagents, fertilizers, fine chemicals, and cosmetic production.
Home/Commercial Water Purification Equipment
Provides high-performance home/commercial reverse osmosis water purification equipment to meet the demand for healthy drinking.
反渗透(RO)技术是一种高效节能过滤水处理设备。它依靠压力推动将水和离子分离,从而达到纯化和浓缩的目的。该过程无相变,一般不需加热,能耗低,具有运行成本低,无污染,操作方便运行可靠,产水水质高等诸多优点, 而成为海水和苦咸水淡化最节能的技术。已广泛应用于医药、电子、化工、食品、海水淡化等诸多行业。反渗透技术已成为现代工业中首选的过滤水处理技术。
在很多的工业生产中一般的地下水、湖水、河水等根本达不到生产用水的要求,所以必须要使用双级反渗透水处理设备进行处理,处理后的水达到了用水需求,可以满足各行业的生产需要。双级反渗透纯净水设备与采用单级反渗透的设备相比,具有净水速率快、产水品质高、脱盐率高等优势,是现代工业 用水生产的首要选择,已经得到了很好的应用。因为设备采用的是进口的反渗透膜,使用寿命更长,减少了反洗和更换的次数,保证水质的同时,有效的降低了运行 的成本,得到了用户的一致认可。
工业反渗透超纯水设备是采用目前国际上较为先进的反渗透除盐技术和EDI技术。 工业反渗透超纯水设备具有能长期不间断工作,自动运行无需专人看管,操作简单,且水质长期稳定,无污染物排放,制取纯水成本低廉等优点。
Customize the equipment you need for water purification, optimize performance, and save costs.